Kintera Krištof *1973
Untitled, 2011
assemblage, box, museum glass, 105 × 75 cm, signed on the reverse by Kryštof Kintera 2011
Krištof Kintera is able to convincingly capture the absurdity of today's world, developments in society and human relations. He expresses himself with a slight exaggeration and an almost Dadaist playfulness. He follows the tradition of Czech art starting with the post-war group of Šmídři (Smiders) (Bedich Dlouhý, Karel Nepraš, Jaroslav Vožniak, ...) and later continuing with the representatives of the so-called Czech grotesque (Kurt Gebauer, Jiří Sopko, ...). In his work he often uses objects that we encounter every day, but which he places in new, often very unexpected contexts. He often uses elements connected with the present in both a positive and negative sense. In his sometimes almost DIY work, he also uses materials that on the one hand serve us and on the other hand can threaten or directly pollute our environment. These include, for example, plastic, which artists use in their work in various levels of meaning (Kateřina Štenclová, ...). Krištof Kintera: Results of the analysis, GHP City Library, 2012. Kintera is one of our few contemporary artists who have made a name for themselves not only in this country but also abroad.
auction 62
starting price
75 000 CZK
€ 3 058