We accept items up for auction

In our upcoming auction, we accept offers of quality artwork, antiques, glass and design.

Your offers will be sent to us at aukce@sypka.cz. You can also contact us at the phone number 608 958 322 or visit us personally in our gallery in Prague or Brno.

Once you have concluded a contract to offer an item at an auction, your items can be placed in our nearest auction.

We guarantee you this way objective price in the current market and the corresponding valuation of the goods. At the conclusion of the contract, we will propose a starting price on the basis of a deep knowledge of the art and antiques market, i.e. the amount at which the auction will start.

In the case of placing items in the auction you will be acquainted in detail with the conditions of the auction sale and the procedure after the auction. From the price of the item (i.e. the amount for which the item is auctioned), the auction company charges 20% for the sale of the auction. Every auctioned item has its photograph in the auction catalogue; in case of sale of the item, the auction house charges CZK 350 for one item.

If the item is not sold, the owner does not pay any fees associated with the sale of the auction. The subject may also be offered for sale at the redemption price after the auction or returned to the owner.

